To perform Batch execution, QTP provides a separate Tool called Test Batch Runner.
Steps for Batch Testing:
1) Create Individual Tests and Run once.
2) Open 'Test batch Runner' Tool and Form Batches
- Launch Test Batch Runner.
- Navigation: Start>program>quicktest professional>Tools>Test Batch Runner>File>new>batch>add>browse path of the test (like this add number of tests)>save with MTB extension (Module test batche)>close test batch runner.
4) Run or Execute Test Batches from Test Batch Runner
Navigation: File>open>browse path of the test batch>batch>run
5) View Test wise Result in 'Test Result Viewer'
1. QTP doesn’t provide Batch wise result.
2. Test Batch Runner launches QTP Tool, QTP runs Tests one by one.
3. Allowing other products to Run Tests. Navigation: Tools>Options>Run>check allow other mercury products>apply & Ok
Executing partial Test Batch: Open Test Batch Runner >open Test Batch>Select or deselect tests>run test batch.