Mouse right click for context menu

The below code right clicks on a link in a page named “Document” and selects “CreateDocument” in the context menu. Each option in the menu belongs to WebElement class. 'set the path to an object Set pathObj = Browser(“objBrowserName”).Page(“objPageName”) 'Create an object of DeviceReplay class which helps us simulate mouse click operation Set deviceReplay = CreateObject(“Mercury.DeviceReplay”) 'Get the X-axis value of the link getX = pathObj.Link(“Document”).GetROProperty(“abs_x”) 'Get the Y-axis value of the link getY = pathObj.Link(“Document”).GetROProperty(“abs_y”) 'Simulates the right click operation over the link deviceReplay.MouseClick getX,getY,RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON 'Click on the “CreateDocument” option. pathObj.WebElement(“name:=CreateDocument”).Click Set deviceReplay = Nothing