Test Estimation template

This template can be used to estimate the tasks given the resources and other parameters

Download Test estimation template

Risk Register

This template can be used to track and maintain the list of risks in an organization.

Download Risk Register

Testing checklist

Check list for the testing team




Checklist Item
1.    Is the release notes prepared and shared?

2.    Are the requirements that are implemented documented?

3.    Has knowledge transfer happened on the critical aspects?

4.    Is the unit testing done by the developers?

5.    Is the testing strategy defined and accepted?

6.    Are the dependencies documented and shared to the testing team?

7.    Are the assumptions documented and shared to the testing team, if any?

8.    Is the environment setup clear to the testing team?

a.    different software required

b.    hardware required

c.    network connections required

d.    installation procedure

e.    credentials required etc.

9.    Are all the known issues documented and shared to the testing team?

10.  Are the milestones identified and accepted?

11.  Is a POC (Point of contact) identified to address the clarifications from the development team and testing team?

12.  Is the testing life cycle defined and accepted?

13.  Are all the defect ids that were fixed are documented and shared?

14.  Are any SLAs identified and accepted?

Reviewed By:


Wait for a page to load

Public Function func_waitForPage(objectref)

   Dim strResult
   Dim intloopcounter
   Set wshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
   For intloopcounter = 1 to 3
    If objectref.Exist Then
    sub_VerifyErrorNumber "wait for page"
   strResult = True
   Exit For
    End If
   If strResult <> True Then
    func_waitForPage = False
  func_waitForPage = True
   End If
End Function

Close all browsers using QTP

Public Function func_closeBrowsers()

 Dim oBrowser 'to store browser object description

 'Create description object
 Set strOpenBrowser = Description.Create
 strOpenBrowser("creationtime").Value = 0
 'close all open browsers
 While Browser(strOpenBrowser).Exist(0)
 'verify  whether all the opened browsers are closed or not.
 If Browser(strOpenBrowser).Exist(0) = False Then
  func_closeBrowsers = True
  sub_reportSuccess "Close Browser", "All browsers are closed successfully"
  func_closeBrowsers = False
 End If
End Function 'End of 'closeBrowsers' function.

Convert date format

Public Function func_convertDateFormat(ByVal DateString, ByVal SourceFormat, ByVal ReqFormat)

 Dim strMonthVal ' to store the month value 
 Dim strDayVal ' to store the day value
 Dim strYearVal ' to store the year value
 Dim aTempVal ' to store the splitting date values in an array
 If Not IsEmpty(DateString) Then
    ' select the specified  source format 
    Select Case SourceFormat
     Case "MM-DD-YYYY"
      ' split and store the month,day and year values in variables 
      aTempVal  = Split(DateString, "-")
      'verify input date string whether it is in source format or not.
      If Ubound(aTempVal) = 2  Then
       strMonthVal = aTempVal (0)
       strDayVal = aTempVal (1)
       strYearVal = aTempVal (2)
     func_convertDateFormat = "ErrMsg: Input parameter DateString is not in specified source format"
    End If
     Case "YYYY-MM-DD"
      ' split and store the month,day and year values in variables 
      aTempVal  = Split(DateString, "-")
      'verify input date string whether it is in source format or not.
      If Ubound(aTempVal) = 2  Then
       strYearVal = aTempVal (0)
       strMonthVal = aTempVal (1)
       strDayVal = aTempVal (2)
     func_convertDateFormat = "ErrMsg: Input parameter DateString is not in specified source format"
    End If
   Case "MM/DD/YYYY"
    ' split and store the month,day and year values in variables 
    aTempVal  = Split(DateString, "/")
    'verify input date string whether it is in source format or not.
    If Ubound(aTempVal) = 2  Then
     strMonthVal = aTempVal (0)
     strDayVal = aTempVal (1)
     strYearVal = aTempVal (2)
     func_convertDateFormat = "ErrMsg: Input parameter DateString is not in specified source format"
    End If
   Case "YYYY/MM/DD"
    ' split and store the month,day and year values in variables 
    aTempVal  = Split(DateString, "/")
    'verify input date string whether it is in source format or not.
    If Ubound(aTempVal) = 2  Then
     strYearVal = aTempVal (0)
     strMonthVal = aTempVal (1)
     strDayVal = aTempVal (2)
     func_convertDateFormat = "ErrMsg: Input parameter DateString is not in specified source format"
    End If
   Case "DD/MM/YYYY"
    ' split and store the month,day and year values in variables 
    aTempVal  = Split(DateString, "/")
    'verify input date string whether it is in source format or not.
    If Ubound(aTempVal) = 2  Then
     strDayVal = aTempVal (0)
     strMonthVal = aTempVal (1)
     strYearVal = aTempVal (2)
     func_convertDateFormat = "ErrMsg: Input parameter DateString is not in specified source format"
    End If
   Case Else
    'returns false when sorce format is not in the specified list.
    func_convertDateFormat = "ErrMsg: Input parameter" & " " & SourceFormat & " " & "is not valid"
    Exit Function
  End Select
  ' select the specified  source format 
  Select Case ReqFormat
   ' Combine the month,day and year values in variables to get required format
   Case "MM-DD-YYYY"
    func_convertDateFormat = strMonthVal & "-" & strDayVal & "-" & strYearVal
   Case "YYYY-MM-DD"
    func_convertDateFormat = strYearVal  & "-" & strMonthVal & "-" & strDayVal
   Case "MM/DD/YYYY"
    func_convertDateFormat = strMonthVal & "/" & strDayVal & "/" & strYearVal
   Case "DD/MM/YYYY"
    func_convertDateFormat = strDayVal & "/" & strMonthVal & "/" & strYearVal
   Case "YYYY/MM/DD"
    func_convertDateFormat = strYearVal  & "/" & strMonthVal & "/" & strDayVal
   Case Else
    func_convertDateFormat = "ErrMsg: Input parameter" & " " & ReqFormat & " " & "is not valid"
    Exit Function
  End Select
  func_convertDateFormat = "ErrMsg: Input parameter" & " " & DateString & " " & "is not valid"
 End If

End Function

Register user func

Public function func_WebEditset(object,strValue)	
	strTempfieldname=Replace(Replace(object.ToString,"WebEdit",""),"_"," ")
	If  object.Exist  Then	 
		If  object.GetROProperty("disabled")=0 Then
			object.Set strValue
			func_WebEditset = True
			func_WebEditset= " field is disabled"
		End If
		func_WebEditset=" field is not Found"
	End If
End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebEdit","Set","func_WebEditset",True

Finding a table from the webpage

The below function finds a table and sets the control to the table using the index.
Public Function  func_Find_Table_Index_Variable(objTable,introw,intcol,sCel_1_1_value,intStartIndex,blnExactMatch)
	Table_Index = intStartIndex
	cel_value = ""
    objTable.SetTOProperty "index", Table_Index
		If  objTable.Exist(0) =False  Then
			Exit Do
		End If
		cel_value =  Trim(objTable.GetCellData(introw,intcol))
		Table_Index = Table_Index+1
		objTable.SetTOProperty "Index", Table_Index
		If  objTable.Exist(0) =False  Then
			Exit Do
		End If
		If (blnExactMatch=False and Instr(Ucase(cel_value),ucase(sCel_1_1_value))>0 ) Or (blnExactMatch=True and Ucase(cel_value)=Ucase(sCel_1_1_value)  ) Then
			Exit Do
		End If
	If (blnExactMatch=False and Instr(Ucase(cel_value),ucase(sCel_1_1_value))>0 )Or blnExactMatch=True and Ucase(cel_value)=Ucase(sCel_1_1_value)Then
		objTable.SetTOProperty "index", Table_Index-1
		func_Find_Table_Index_Variable = Table_Index-1
			Exit Function
	End If
	func_Find_Table_Index_Variable = False
End Function

Compare 2 arrays

Public Function func_Comparetwoarrays(aFirstArray,aSecondArray)

	Dim intRowVal     ' Incrementer
	Dim StrInputVal   ' Capture input Array details 
	Dim strFailureVal 'To capture failed array values.
	Dim strCapturedVal  'to store captured values.

   'verify whether input arrays are empty or not.
   If UBound(aFirstArray) <> -1 And UBound(aSecondArray) <> -1 Then

       'verify whether input arrays sizes are equal or not.
       If UBound(aFirstArray) = UBound(aSecondArray) Then
           'repeat loop untill last element in each array is verified.
           For intRowVal = 0 To UBound(aFirstArray)

               'converting each charated in text in to upper case.
               firstarrval = Ucase(Trim(aFirstArray(intRowVal)))
               secondarrval = Ucase(Trim(aSecondArray(intRowVal)))

               'removing spaces between the words in the text.
               firstarrval = Replace(firstarrval," ","")
               secondarrval = Replace(secondarrval," ","")
				If  Trim(firstarrval)<> "" and Trim(secondarrval)<>""Then
					' Compares the input array  values with captured array values 
					   If Instr(Trim(firstarrval),Trim(secondarrval)) > 0 or Instr(Trim(secondarrval),Trim(firstarrval)) > 0 Then
						   func_Comparetwoarrays = True
							'captures the array values which are not matched.
							func_Comparetwoarrays = aFirstArray(intRowVal)&" , "&aSecondArray(intRowVal)
							Exit Function
						End If
				End If
            func_Comparetwoarrays = "Two arrays are different in size."
        End If
        func_Comparetwoarrays = "Input parameters are not Valid."
    End If

End Function ' End of 'Comparetwoarrays' function

Generate random dates

Public Function func_generate_RandomDates(NoofDates)
   Dim datesArray 'To capture generated dates in an array
   Dim intincrementer   'To store loop counter value.
   Dim intRandomnumber  'To store random number.
   Dim strtravelDateTime  'To store travel date.
   Dim strFirstDate   'To store first date.
   Dim astrDates    'To store dates.
   Dim strReturnval  'To store the return value
	strFirstDate = ""
	'verify whether input parameter is equal to null or zero.
	If NoofDates > 0 Then
	   'To get specified number of dates (after 90 to 180 days of current date) 
	   For intincrementer=0 To Cint(NoofDates)-1
		   'generates random number between 90 and  181
		   intRandomnumber = Int((91 * Rnd) + 90)               
		   'addes random number with current date to generate random date.
		   strtravelDateTime=Date + intRandomnumber
		   If intincrementer > 0 Then
			   strFirstDate=Trim(strFirstDate & ". " & strtravelDateTime)
				strFirstDate = strtravelDateTime
		   End If 
		'splits random dates
		datesArray=Split(strFirstDate,". ")
		' Call the function to sort the generated random dates
		astrDates = func_datesSorting(datesArray)
		' to verify for dates in sorting order
		If Instr(astrDates(0),"ErrMsg:") > 0 Then
			func_generate_RandomDates = "ErrMsg: Unable to get the dates in sorting order. Because," & " " & astrDates
			func_generate_RandomDates = astrDates
		End If
		'Return the failure message when input parameter is not valid
		func_generate_RandomDates = Array("ErrMsg: Input parameter Is Invalid")
	End If
End Function  'Enfd of 'generate_RandomDates' function 
Public Function func_datesSorting(strArray)

	Dim inti 'to store the increment value
	Dim blnSwitched 'to hold the value to switch
	Dim strTemp 'temparary variable
	If Not IsEmpty(strArray) AND  Ubound(strArray) <> -1 Then
		   blnSwitched =False
		   'loop to sort the dates in the array. 
		   For inti = 0 To Ubound(strArray)-1
			   'verify whether present date is greater than preveous date 
			   If CDate(strArray(inti)) > CDate(strArray( inti+1)) Then
				   strTemp = strArray(inti)
				   strArray( inti) = strArray( inti + 1)
				   strArray( inti + 1) = strTemp
				   blnSwitched = True
				End If
		Loop While blnSwitched
		'retuns sorted array.
		func_datesSorting = strArray
		func_datesSorting = Array("ErrMsg: Input Dates Array is empty.")
	End If
End Function

Close all browsers

Public Function func_closeBrowsers()

 Dim oBrowser 'to store browser object description

 'Create description object
 Set strOpenBrowser = Description.Create
 strOpenBrowser("creationtime").Value = 0
 'close all open browsers
 While Browser(strOpenBrowser).Exist(0)
 'verify  whether all the opened browsers are closed or not.
 If Browser(strOpenBrowser).Exist(0) = False Then
  func_closeBrowsers = True
  sub_reportSuccess "Close Browser", "All browsers are closed successfully"
  func_closeBrowsers = False
 End If
End Function 'End of 'closeBrowsers' function.

Set browser options

Public Sub sub_SetBrowserOptions()
  Dim objShell         'To store shell object
  Dim RegInvalidSiteCert    'To store registry key value for "warn about certificate address mismatch" option.
  Dim RegChangeBtwSecure  'To store registry key value for "warn if changing between secure and not secure mode" option.
  Dim RegAllowActiveContent 'To store registry key value for "Allow Active content to run in files on MyComputer" option.
  Dim RegDispMixedContent  'To store registry key value for "Display Mixed Content" option.
 'set the shell object reference.
 Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
 'to run next step when error occurred.
 On Error Resume Next
 'to capture "warn about certificate address mismatch" option path in Registry Editor.
 RegInvalidSiteCert = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\WarnonBadCertRecving"
 'to capture "warn if changing between secure and not secure mode" option path in Registry Editor.
 RegChangeBtwSecure = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\WarnOnZoneCrossing"
 'to capture "Allow Active content to run in files on MyComputer" option path in Registry Editor.
 RegAllowActiveContent = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_LOCALMACHINE_LOCKDOWN\iexplore.exe"
 'to capture "Display Mixed Content" option path in Registry Editor.
 RegDispMixedContent = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\3\1609"
 'Uncheck "warn about certificate address mismatch" option
 objShell.RegWrite RegInvalidSiteCert,"0","REG_DWORD"
 'Uncheck "warn if changing between secure and not secure mode" option
 objShell.RegWrite RegChangeBtwSecure,"0","REG_DWORD"
 'Uncheck "Allow Active content to run in files on MyComputer" option.
 objShell.RegWrite RegAllowActiveContent,"0","REG_DWORD"
 'Uncheck "Display Mixed Content" option.
 objShell.RegWrite RegDispMixedContent,"0","REG_DWORD"
 'WScript.Quit 'To stop and exit from the script.
End Sub 'End of 'SetBrowserOptions' function.

Remove an attachment from QC Through QTP

Function RemoveAttachFromQC(File_Name)
    var_cnt= QCUtil.CurrentTest.Attachments.NewList(“”).count
    For i= 1 to var_cnt
        If   QCUtil.CurrentTest.Attachments.NewList(“”).Item(2).Name =File_Name Then
            Attachment = QCUtil.CurrentTest.Attachments.NewList(“”).Item(1).ID
           Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Delete failed","Please provide the valid filename with extention"
        End If
End Function


Call RemoveAttachFromQC(File_Name)

Upload a file as Attachments To QC

Function UpLoadAttachToQC(File_Path)
    Set ObjCurrentTest = QCUtil.CurrentTest.Attachments
    Set ObjAttch = ObjCurrentTest.AddItem(Null)
    ObjAttch.FileName = File_Path
    ObjAttch.Type = 1
End Function


Call UpLoadAttachToQC(File_Path)