Finding a table from the webpage

The below function finds a table and sets the control to the table using the index.
Public Function  func_Find_Table_Index_Variable(objTable,introw,intcol,sCel_1_1_value,intStartIndex,blnExactMatch)
	Table_Index = intStartIndex
	cel_value = ""
    objTable.SetTOProperty "index", Table_Index
		If  objTable.Exist(0) =False  Then
			Exit Do
		End If
		cel_value =  Trim(objTable.GetCellData(introw,intcol))
		Table_Index = Table_Index+1
		objTable.SetTOProperty "Index", Table_Index
		If  objTable.Exist(0) =False  Then
			Exit Do
		End If
		If (blnExactMatch=False and Instr(Ucase(cel_value),ucase(sCel_1_1_value))>0 ) Or (blnExactMatch=True and Ucase(cel_value)=Ucase(sCel_1_1_value)  ) Then
			Exit Do
		End If
	If (blnExactMatch=False and Instr(Ucase(cel_value),ucase(sCel_1_1_value))>0 )Or blnExactMatch=True and Ucase(cel_value)=Ucase(sCel_1_1_value)Then
		objTable.SetTOProperty "index", Table_Index-1
		func_Find_Table_Index_Variable = Table_Index-1
			Exit Function
	End If
	func_Find_Table_Index_Variable = False
End Function