Convert date format

Public Function func_convertDateFormat(ByVal DateString, ByVal SourceFormat, ByVal ReqFormat)

 Dim strMonthVal ' to store the month value 
 Dim strDayVal ' to store the day value
 Dim strYearVal ' to store the year value
 Dim aTempVal ' to store the splitting date values in an array
 If Not IsEmpty(DateString) Then
    ' select the specified  source format 
    Select Case SourceFormat
     Case "MM-DD-YYYY"
      ' split and store the month,day and year values in variables 
      aTempVal  = Split(DateString, "-")
      'verify input date string whether it is in source format or not.
      If Ubound(aTempVal) = 2  Then
       strMonthVal = aTempVal (0)
       strDayVal = aTempVal (1)
       strYearVal = aTempVal (2)
     func_convertDateFormat = "ErrMsg: Input parameter DateString is not in specified source format"
    End If
     Case "YYYY-MM-DD"
      ' split and store the month,day and year values in variables 
      aTempVal  = Split(DateString, "-")
      'verify input date string whether it is in source format or not.
      If Ubound(aTempVal) = 2  Then
       strYearVal = aTempVal (0)
       strMonthVal = aTempVal (1)
       strDayVal = aTempVal (2)
     func_convertDateFormat = "ErrMsg: Input parameter DateString is not in specified source format"
    End If
   Case "MM/DD/YYYY"
    ' split and store the month,day and year values in variables 
    aTempVal  = Split(DateString, "/")
    'verify input date string whether it is in source format or not.
    If Ubound(aTempVal) = 2  Then
     strMonthVal = aTempVal (0)
     strDayVal = aTempVal (1)
     strYearVal = aTempVal (2)
     func_convertDateFormat = "ErrMsg: Input parameter DateString is not in specified source format"
    End If
   Case "YYYY/MM/DD"
    ' split and store the month,day and year values in variables 
    aTempVal  = Split(DateString, "/")
    'verify input date string whether it is in source format or not.
    If Ubound(aTempVal) = 2  Then
     strYearVal = aTempVal (0)
     strMonthVal = aTempVal (1)
     strDayVal = aTempVal (2)
     func_convertDateFormat = "ErrMsg: Input parameter DateString is not in specified source format"
    End If
   Case "DD/MM/YYYY"
    ' split and store the month,day and year values in variables 
    aTempVal  = Split(DateString, "/")
    'verify input date string whether it is in source format or not.
    If Ubound(aTempVal) = 2  Then
     strDayVal = aTempVal (0)
     strMonthVal = aTempVal (1)
     strYearVal = aTempVal (2)
     func_convertDateFormat = "ErrMsg: Input parameter DateString is not in specified source format"
    End If
   Case Else
    'returns false when sorce format is not in the specified list.
    func_convertDateFormat = "ErrMsg: Input parameter" & " " & SourceFormat & " " & "is not valid"
    Exit Function
  End Select
  ' select the specified  source format 
  Select Case ReqFormat
   ' Combine the month,day and year values in variables to get required format
   Case "MM-DD-YYYY"
    func_convertDateFormat = strMonthVal & "-" & strDayVal & "-" & strYearVal
   Case "YYYY-MM-DD"
    func_convertDateFormat = strYearVal  & "-" & strMonthVal & "-" & strDayVal
   Case "MM/DD/YYYY"
    func_convertDateFormat = strMonthVal & "/" & strDayVal & "/" & strYearVal
   Case "DD/MM/YYYY"
    func_convertDateFormat = strDayVal & "/" & strMonthVal & "/" & strYearVal
   Case "YYYY/MM/DD"
    func_convertDateFormat = strYearVal  & "/" & strMonthVal & "/" & strDayVal
   Case Else
    func_convertDateFormat = "ErrMsg: Input parameter" & " " & ReqFormat & " " & "is not valid"
    Exit Function
  End Select
  func_convertDateFormat = "ErrMsg: Input parameter" & " " & DateString & " " & "is not valid"
 End If

End Function