Testing checklist

Check list for the testing team




Checklist Item
1.    Is the release notes prepared and shared?

2.    Are the requirements that are implemented documented?

3.    Has knowledge transfer happened on the critical aspects?

4.    Is the unit testing done by the developers?

5.    Is the testing strategy defined and accepted?

6.    Are the dependencies documented and shared to the testing team?

7.    Are the assumptions documented and shared to the testing team, if any?

8.    Is the environment setup clear to the testing team?

a.    different software required

b.    hardware required

c.    network connections required

d.    installation procedure

e.    credentials required etc.

9.    Are all the known issues documented and shared to the testing team?

10.  Are the milestones identified and accepted?

11.  Is a POC (Point of contact) identified to address the clarifications from the development team and testing team?

12.  Is the testing life cycle defined and accepted?

13.  Are all the defect ids that were fixed are documented and shared?

14.  Are any SLAs identified and accepted?

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