Compare 2 arrays

Public Function func_Comparetwoarrays(aFirstArray,aSecondArray)

	Dim intRowVal     ' Incrementer
	Dim StrInputVal   ' Capture input Array details 
	Dim strFailureVal 'To capture failed array values.
	Dim strCapturedVal  'to store captured values.

   'verify whether input arrays are empty or not.
   If UBound(aFirstArray) <> -1 And UBound(aSecondArray) <> -1 Then

       'verify whether input arrays sizes are equal or not.
       If UBound(aFirstArray) = UBound(aSecondArray) Then
           'repeat loop untill last element in each array is verified.
           For intRowVal = 0 To UBound(aFirstArray)

               'converting each charated in text in to upper case.
               firstarrval = Ucase(Trim(aFirstArray(intRowVal)))
               secondarrval = Ucase(Trim(aSecondArray(intRowVal)))

               'removing spaces between the words in the text.
               firstarrval = Replace(firstarrval," ","")
               secondarrval = Replace(secondarrval," ","")
				If  Trim(firstarrval)<> "" and Trim(secondarrval)<>""Then
					' Compares the input array  values with captured array values 
					   If Instr(Trim(firstarrval),Trim(secondarrval)) > 0 or Instr(Trim(secondarrval),Trim(firstarrval)) > 0 Then
						   func_Comparetwoarrays = True
							'captures the array values which are not matched.
							func_Comparetwoarrays = aFirstArray(intRowVal)&" , "&aSecondArray(intRowVal)
							Exit Function
						End If
				End If
            func_Comparetwoarrays = "Two arrays are different in size."
        End If
        func_Comparetwoarrays = "Input parameters are not Valid."
    End If

End Function ' End of 'Comparetwoarrays' function