Architecture of QTP

QTP window is divided into 5 parts:

1)    Test pane:  Test pane is an area provided by QTP, which is used for viewing the test script and it also allows the user to do any kind of modifications on it.
It represents the scripts in two views: Keyword View, Expert View

Keyword View: It represents VB Script in GUI format
It is divided into 4 parts: 1) Item 2) Operation 3) Value 4) Documentation

Expert View: It represents the script in VB script format.

2)    Active screen: Active Screens holds the snapshots for each and every script statement.
It is used for understand the script easily and enhance the script easily.

3)    Data Table : It is also called a Formula1 sheet
       1.    It holds test data
       2.    It can import the test data from the difference data sources
       3.    It associates the test script from the data source
       4.    It allows the user to directly interact wit it
       5.    QTP maintains 2 types of data table

Design-Time and Run-Time data table

4)    Information pane: It holds all syntactical errors
5)    Tool option: All the remaining options available in menu bar, File Tool bar are known as tool options.

Contributed by: Vamsi Gowtham