The below code will retrieve all the links in the specific page and adds them to microsoft word and then check for the spelling errors
Dim Desc
Set mw=CreateObject(“Word.Application”) '‘Creating the Word object
Set Desc=Description.Create '`Creating the properties collection object
Desc("micclass").value="Link" 'Entering Properties information into object
Set TotLinks=Browser("Browsername").Page("Pagename").ChildObjects(Desc) 'retrieving the link names through child objects on page
For (i=0 to TotLinks.count-1)
mw.WordBasic.filenew 'To open new word basic file
LinkName=TotLinks(i).GetROProperty(“name”) 'Taking the name property of every individual object
mw.WordBasic.insert LinkName & " "
if mw.ActiveDocument.Spellingerrors.count>0 then
Reporter.Reportevent micFail, "Spelling mistake","Link name:" & LinkName
End if
Dim Desc
Set mw=CreateObject(“Word.Application”) '‘Creating the Word object
Set Desc=Description.Create '`Creating the properties collection object
Desc("micclass").value="Link" 'Entering Properties information into object
Set TotLinks=Browser("Browsername").Page("Pagename").ChildObjects(Desc) 'retrieving the link names through child objects on page
For (i=0 to TotLinks.count-1)
mw.WordBasic.filenew 'To open new word basic file
LinkName=TotLinks(i).GetROProperty(“name”) 'Taking the name property of every individual object
mw.WordBasic.insert LinkName & " "
if mw.ActiveDocument.Spellingerrors.count>0 then
Reporter.Reportevent micFail, "Spelling mistake","Link name:" & LinkName
End if