Defect Report Best Practices

Defect Report Best Practices

1. Defect report should have all the below items

   a. Summary of the defect: It should read the high level description of the defect.
    Example: Installation failed on Win 7 OS

   b. Description: Describe all the steps to be followed to reproduce the defect in detail along with the Expected result and Actual result.

    i. Steps to be followed: These would describe the exact sequence of steps to reproduce the defect
    ii. Expected result: The outcome that is expected by following the above steps
    iii. Actual result: The outcome of the steps while running the test case or following the steps at that point in time

   c. Environment details: Specify the test environment details including the OS, Browsers or any other specific hardware or software used.

    d. Reporter: Your email id or name should be mentioned. If any tool is being used, this field is automatically filled in with the logged in user details

    e. Version: Mention the exact version of the product in which the defect arise

    f. Component: This is the name of the module or feature.

    g. Priority: When bug should be fixed? Priority is generally set from P1 to P3. P1 is the highest priority and P3 being the lowest priority.

    h. Severity: This depicts the impact of the defect on the application. Types of Severity include the below:

    Blocker: No further testing work can be done.
    Critical: Application crash, Loss of data.
    Major: Major loss of function.
    Minor: Minor loss of function.
    Trivial: Some UI enhancements.
    Enhancement: Request for new feature or some enhancement in existing one.

i. Status: The status of the defect which can be one of the below

    a. New
    b. Assigned
    c. Fixed
    d. Invalid
    e. Deferred
    f. Closed
    g. Reopen
    h. Duplicate

j. Screen shots: Enclose the entire required screen shot so that the developers can understand the behavior.

k. Assigned to: Mention the name of the person to whom this defect is to be assigned for further processing.

2. Do not use any abusive language.

3. Reproduce the defect more than twice before reporting it.

4. Check if the defect is already reported to avoid duplicate defects.

5. Write a good summary.

6. Last but not the least report the defect immediately.