Defect Life Cycle


Simple Wikipedia Definition Of Bug Is:
“A computer bug is an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program that prevents it from working correctly or produces an incorrect result.

Bugs arise from mistakes and errors, made by people, in either a program’s source code or its design.”

Other Definitions Can Be:
An unintended behavior of the application or software.
It can also be defined as a failure to conform to specifications.

Life cycle of Bug:

    1. When a defect is identified by the tester, it is reported with the Summary, steps to be reproduced, test environment details, screen shots if any,
    assigning to, status. The status of the defect is NEW and is assigned to the Test lead.

    2. Test lead would assign the defect back to development lead and the status of the defect will be ASSIGNED.

    3. Development leads would again assign the defect to the exact develop responsible for fixing the defect with a priority.

    4. The assigned developer would explore the defect and can do any of the below
      a. Fix the defect and assign it back to the tester to retest the fix with the status as FIXED
      b. Change the status to DEFERRED if the plan is to fix it in the next release
      c. Change the status to INVALID if the defect reported is not a valid one

    5. For the FIXED defects, the tester would retest it and can do any of the below
      a. Change the status to CLOSE if the defect is not reproducible
      b. Change the status to REOPEN if the defect is still existing

    6. INVALID defects can be REOPEN if it is reproducible with specific steps mentioned