Datatable methods

I) Add Sheet: Adds the specified sheet to the run time data table
          Datatable.AddSheet(“My Sheet”)

ii) Delete Sheet :  Deletes the specified sheet from the run time data table
          Datatable.DeleteSheet(“My Sheet”)

iii) Export : Saves a copy of the run-time Data Table in the specified location
          Datatable.Export (“C:\Vamsi.xls”)

iv) Export Sheet : Saves a copy of the specified sheet of run-time datatable in the specified location.
          Datatable.ExportSheet “C:\Vamsi.xls”,sheetid/”Sheet Name”

v) Get Current Row : Returns the current ( active ) row in the first sheet in the run-time data table (global sheet)
          msgbox Datatable.GetCurrentRow

vi) Get Row Count : Returns the total number of rows in required sheet
          msgbox Datatable.GetRowCount
          msgbox Datatable.GetSheet(“Local Sheet”).GetRowCount
          msgbox Datatable.GetSheet(“My Sheet”).GetRowCount

vii) Get Sheet : Returns the specified sheet from the run-time data table.
          Msgbox Datatable.GetSheet(“Local Sheet”)
          The following example uses the GetSheet method to return the “My Sheet” sheet of the run-time data table in     order to add parameter to it.
          Datatable.GetSheet(“My Sheet”).Addparameter “Time”,”10:00”

viii) Get Sheet Count : Returns total number of sheets in run-time data table.
          Msgbox Datatable.GetSheetCount

ix) Import : Imports the specified Microsoft Excel file to the run-time data table.
          Datatable.import (“C:Vamsi.xls”)

x) Import Sheet : Imports a sheet of specified file to a specified sheet in the run-time data table. The data in the imported sheet replaces the data in the destination sheet
          Datatable.importSheet “C:\Vamsi.xls”,1(sheet source), “Name”(destination)

x) Set Current Row : Sets the specified row as the current active row in the run-time data table

xii) Set Next Row : Sets the row after the current active row as the new current row in the run-time data table.

xiii) Set Previous Row : Sets the row above the current active row as the new current row in the run-time table.

Contributed by: Vamshi Gowtham