Descriptive Programming

There are two ways to create Descriptive programming:
1.   By using description objects
2.   By using description Strings.

By using description objects:

By using this approach we create a description object and define the properties and values for identification.
     ‘Create Description object
     Dim btnObj
     Set btnObj=Description.Create
     btnObj(“Class Name”).value=”WinButton”
     btnObj(“text”) =”OK”

     Using above created DP object in script:


     Script: Write a Script for Login by using description objects concept

     By using Description Strings:

By using this method of descriptive programming we don’t need to create a    description object, instead we use a description string to recognize the objects.
It means that we are maintaining object properties and their values in script itself.

Ex: Dialog(“text:=Login”).WinButton(“text:=OK”).click

Converting an OR based script to DP based script:

     OR based script:

     Dialog(“Login”).WinEdit(“Agent Name:”).set “james”
     Dialog(“Login”).WinEdit(“Password:”).set “mercury”

     DP based script:
              Script: Write a Script for Login by using description strings concept

     Dialog(“text:=Login”).WinEdit(“text:=Agent Name:”).set “james”
     Dialog(“text:=Login”).WinEdit(“text:=Password:”).set “mercury”
     If Window(“Text:=Flight Reservation”).Exist Then
               Window(“Text:=Flight Reservation”).Close
     End IF

Contributed by: Vamshi Gowtham